Social Media Management
Have You Been Anti-Social?
That's a NO-NO if you want to market your business effectively online today. An effective internet marketing strategy MUST include social media. You don't have the time? Let us do it for you!
Service Options
- Monthly: $100/mo
- Bi-Monthly: $175/mo
- Weekly: $250/mo
Features of Offer
You get a monthly post made for you to each of the following 7 services:
- Linked-In
- Google +
- YouTube
- RSS (We post an article for you on your own site if you are using our CMS.
If you are not using our CMS, we post your article on Port Angeles Business Central).
Your article will contain three links to your website, 1 to home page and two to other pages.
We follow up by notifying the top 15 ping services ...
Here is current list that we ping with your monthly article:
- Feed Burner
- NewsGator
- My Yahoo!
- Blogdigger
- Weblogalot
- News Is Free
- Topic Exchange
- Google Blog Search
- Spinn3r
- SkyGrid
- Collecta
- Superfeedr
Your posts will include a photo or video and text. You email the information for us each month and we will get it posted for you!
Terms of Offer
This monthly submission service does NOT include the setup of the accounts. You will need to setup the accounts yourself or hire us to do that for you.
We create Business Accounts for all: FaceBook, Twitter, Linked-In, Google (Gmail, Google+, Google Places for Business), YouTube, and Pinterest for a one-time setup fee of $1,000.