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Your Marketing Message: Words that Work Wonders

Your Marketing Message: Words that Work Wonders!

Your Marketing Message

Words that Work Wonders

Do you have a clear Marketing Message? Is it on you website?

Before I launched my business that helps small business owners successfully market their small businesses effectively and affordably, I invested a lot of time and money in small business marketing research, and I continue to do so.

One of the things that I did was purchase mailing lists of small businesses. I have sent hundreds of thousands of mailers to small business owners over the past several years as both a small business marketing and research method.

Early on, several different mailers were created offering free consultation to small businesses. The "catch" was simply that they had to complete my small business owner questionnaire and return it to me (with BRM postage paid) or visit a website and complete the small business help questionnaire online.

Why did I do this? Because it was my determination to create a business that would owe its success to supporting small business owners, especially the "mom and pop" small businesses that are such a critical component to the economy of the U.S.A.

So I had to do the small business research before I began to custom-craft a business that would support them. All small businesses exist simply because they solve someone else's problem. I had to first discover the kinds of problems that small business owners faced before I could be of any use to them. Thus the direct-mailed questionnaires. Tens of thousands of them!

Answered in various terms, "effective and affordable marketing" was always - and still is, in the top three of the problems faced by small business owners.

Marketing is NOT just paying for advertising! It is everything that you do as a small business owner! Small business marketing in the traditional or conventional sense (paid advertising) is expensive, - and most often too expensive for small business owners to take advantage of, so I knew I was going to have to find a way to help small businesses utilize affordable small business marketing techniques.

This Vital Small Business Marketing Technique Costs Nothing but is worth Thousands!

It is just going to take your time. Small Business Owners miss regular golden opportunities to gain new prospects because they have not developed a marketing message that they use routinely.

Marketing Message has also been called "an elevator speech". Why has a marketing message has been commonly dubbed an "elevator speech"? Because the example has been used that you meet someone while riding on a elevator and you have only a few moments for a brief exchange before one of you exits the elevator.

What are you going to say to try and win an additional audience with this person later?

When you are hoping to engage a potential client, you’ve often only got a few seconds to engage the mind of your prospects with the hope of turning them into clients. A few seconds means just a few words, so you want them to be powerful. You need to successfully arouse their interest and arrest their attention. This is why you must create and hone your marketing message!

This is never more true than when someone lands on your website. I know that it just doesn't seem fair, but you've got about 8 seconds to captivate their attention, and you need a clear marketing message that greets them when they land.

Your goal is to either get them to continue to read your marketing material or start asking you questions about your products or services.

How do you do this?

1. Forget about yourself.

Your potential clients are not really interested in your business. They are interested in themselves. You are interested in your business, the features of your products or services or the processes that you use.

If you love what you do, (and you should, or you should do something else) you may even be excited about the details of why and how you do what you do. Your prospects don’t care so much about this. It may even bore them.

Your prospects really care about themselves.

So, the first step in getting their attention is to talk about them. What do you do for them?

Instead of "My company is an 20 year old local marketing company." -which is about ME, I say this: "I can help YOU attract more clients, increase their level of satisfaction and make more money."

Your marketing message MUST focus upon what you do for your CLIENTS. Using the words "you", "your" and "yours" in your message indicate that you are focused upon your prospects and interested in them, and it will help you to get the focus off of yourself.

2. Identify your target(s).

Who is your target? You are in business because you solve problems. What are those problems and who is it that has them?

Asking the above questions should generate some specific words, and these words should be in your marketing message.

My company solves some of the problems that face small business owners.

Instead of “My company does websites” -which focuses upon my company, I say this: "I help small business owners with websites that work." — This way, I am telling them specifically what I do, but I am including THEM in my marketing message.

Keep your TARGET in the center of your marketing efforts.

Most business owners are ignorantly more concerned about their brand visibility or corporate identity than they are their target audience. This is not to say that a consistent business image is not important, but it will not generate new leads, it takes a message to do that.

My corporate identities are all simple.

They identify my companies properly, but it is the words “Helping Small Business Owners” that gets the attention of my target audience.

3. Match and exceed client's wants or needs.

A need or want (a problem) is at the root of every buying decision.

When is the worst time for you to go grocery shopping? When you are hungry! Why?Because you have a hunger problem that is likely to move you to buy things that your really should not buy! We are MOTIVATED by our problems.

PROBLEMS take various forms. A problem can be a crisis. A problem can be a desire. A problem can be a necessity.

You want to identify the basic problems, needs or wants of your target and then tell them the RESULT that you provide through your products or services.

Your Formula for Small Business Success:

  • Your Client's Problem: Crisis 
    + Your Solution to that Crisis

    = Your Small Business Success 

  • Your Client's Problem: Desire
    + Your Fulfillment of that Desire 

    = Your Small Business Success 

  • Your Client's Problem: Need
    + Your Meeting of that Need 

    = Your Small Business Success

Instead of "I own a marketing company" -which focuses upon my company, I say this: "I can help YOU make more money." — This is the end RESULT of what my company does for small business owners.

My clients need to:

  1. Attract New Clients
  2. Increase their Satisfaction
  3. Make More Money


So, for me, it is this:

"I Help Small Business Owners Attract More Clients,
Increase their Satisfaction & Make More Money."


"I can help you attract more clients, increase their satisfaction
and make more money."

But you MUST come through with your promise. A real hero will go above and beyond the minimum requirements. You must be more than simply a professional. To be a professional simply means that you get paid for what you do. Amateurs are unpaid persons. Professionals are too often simply paid amateurs. KNOW your business and be the best you can be and give your absolute best to every client.

Simply satisfying your client's expectations does NOT make you a hero for your clients. Jesus said it this way: "... when you have done everything you were expected to do, you can say, "I am an unprofitable servant; I have only done my duty." - Luke 17:10

Go beyond the satisfaction to expectations. You ARE a servant to your clients. Be a good one! If you become a profitable servant for your clients, you will keep them and they will refer other people to you.

You ask, do I practice what I preach in my own business? YES! -- and this is how ...

In my business, one of the tools and services we provide for our clients helps them maintain a website that truly works for them. And I keep them, simply because their websites make them far more money than they cost. How do we go beyond "expectations" with our clients? We outserveour competition!

Knowing that small business owners (like YOU) can get "cheap" website hosting from scores of places, but also knowing that they don't get the service they need with it opens a door of opportunity for our business. What does a small business owner do when they need help with their website from their cheap webhosting company?

They can email support and wait, and usually get an incorrect answer if they get one at all, or they don't understand the answer. They may use a support ticket system, and then try and sort things out from that. I discovered that most small business owners simply need more, and that they will willlingly pay more when they can see the benefits of improved performance and service. These small business owners are ready for a switch to our service.

I know, that like me, they are willing to pay more for a quality product and service when they can be convinced that it is to their own benefit.

Then there is another place they go for hosting. Local. However, the servers are usually weak, slow, and overcrowded. And the costs are almost always more than what we charge! We have discovered that we can increase the satisfaction of these small business owners, giving them more bang for the buck, and putting a lot of those "bucks" back into their pockets. (We typically save them at least 30% over the period of a year)

My competitors are often my best referrers and your competitors can be your best partners, too!Well over 75% of my clients ALREADY had a website, but... were either dissatisfied or disolusioned with the quality or service rendered OR the way they were being pounded with additional technical support fees.

We outserve our competition by providing all of our clients with technical support OVER THE PHONE with toll free numbers, answered by our own company in English by citizens of the United States of America and live and work for the same company that created the tool, and they NEVER get charged extra for the help! This is not the whole story, of course, but it is enough to answer the question that you asked.

Whatever "shape" OUTSERVING takes for your company, 
ASSUME IT and keep repeating your
small business marketing message 
relentlessly at every appropriate opportunity.

End of Article  

My prayer for you is always unmixed joy and prosperity in your spirit, mind, body and business!

Douglas E Nevill